Glutathione supplement is a potent antioxidant that is naturally synthesized by the liver to perform important body functions, such as detoxification, tissue repair, production of essential proteins, immune system function, and more.
However, a glutathione deficiency can disrupt normal bodily functions.
Fortunately, oral supplementation plays a crucial role in overcoming this deficiency and can usually get things back on track. This is why we often talk about the best liposomal glutathione supplements with our clients.
The question arises: Are there any glutathione supplement side effects?
The answer is, though rare, yes, there are.
In this article, we will discuss the potential adverse effects of glutathione supplementation. Keep in mind that there is very little research showing glutathione supplement side effects, but we have scoured the research and know what to look out for from years of working with clients.
So let’s get started and find out 7 surprising effects produced by glutathione!
7 Surprising Glutathione Supplement Side Effects
Glutathione Helps Decrease Inflammation
Glutathione can be a potent supplement to reduce inflammatory reactions occurring in the body. This powerful effect was particularly important during the peak outbreak of COVID-19 where it was suggested as a possible supplement to help suppress the widespread inflammation often leading to organ failure.[1]
A cytokine storm produces inflammation in an inflammatory response to harmful substances, bacteria, viruses, and more. In a cytokine storm, pro-oxidants are produced in large quantities. Pro-oxidants are reactive oxygen species that increase oxidative damage and inflammation. The exciting fact is that the depleted glutathione levels that occur with a cytokine storm can severe cases. Glutathione neutralizes those antioxidants and fights inflammation to reduce damage.
However, it is essential to take these supplements at adequate doses; otherwise, they can lead to gastrointestinal tract symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and other toxic effects.
But Some claim taking high doses of Glutathione can even exacerbate the inflammatory conditions and we are confident on this statement. These conditions can include neurodegenerative diseases, i.e., Parkinson’s disease or rheumatoid arthritis, cystic fibrosis, and other autoimmune diseases.
Glutathione Role in Skin Conditions
Glutathione supplements are magical supplements exhibiting antioxidant properties and are taken for a glowy and clear skin. Clinical trials suggest that supplements produce anti-melanogenic and anti-aging properties. The supplements, when taken, play an important role in the overproduction level of melanin hormones in the body, thus reducing the dark spots, skin rashes, or pigmentation exhibiting skin-lightening effects.[2]
Do you know the intriguing mechanism behind this effect of an improved skin color is blocking eumelanin production, a form of melanin hormone responsible for producing dark skin tones.
However, further research studies reported that glutathione supplements taken for this purpose lead to problems that may include allergic reactions with itchy and irritated skin, fatigue, and erythema-producing redness spots on the skin.
The report indicates that glutathione supplements also lead to transaminitis, a condition that increases the levels of liver enzymes in the blood and produces liver damage.[2]
Surprising Influence of Glutathione On Thyroid Health
Buckle up for revelation of glutathione on thyroid, even we find it intriguing.
A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2010 and suggested an interesting connection between thyroid and glutathione supplements. According to the survey, 3% of individuals taking glutathione supplements presented with symptoms like heat intolerance, increased heart palpitations, drastic weight loss, increased appetite and thirst, and feelings of dizziness.[3]
When the blood samples of those people taking glutathione supplements were observed, abnormal thyroid levels were found with low levels of TSH and increased FT3 levels that indicated hyperthyroidism. Interestingly, the thyroid profile went to normal when the glutathione drug administration was stopped.
Glutathione supplements can impact thyroid levels in your body, so you should prefer to take them under the supervision of a healthcare professional. Especially if you are already suffering from thyroid problems, always consult your health expert.
Optimal Protein Intake is Needed for Optimal Glutathione Levels
It’s wild but authentic; you need to have optimal protein intake to have optimal glutathione levels in your cells.[1]
If you aren’t paying attention to your macros, eat vegan or vegetarian food, especially cruciferous vegetables, or are 50+ years old, this part is really crucial because you are probably not getting enough protein for optimal workout recovery. This could also impair your glutathione levels and detoxification.
A 2023 study showed that those who consumed 0.66g of protein per Kg per day had low levels of Glutathione vs those who consumed 1.0g of protein per Kg per day.
However, these protein levels are still really, really low for most people.
We have an entire blog post dedicated to mapping out exactly how much protein you need based on your activity level to optimize recovery. Be sure to hit these goals, as they’re often a major factor in achieving full workout recovery and peak performance.
Glutathione Should Be Avoided With Chemotherapy
While Glutathione can help the body detox from cancer-causing substances, it may not be a great supplement when taking specific drug therapies such as chemotherapy. If receiving cancer treatment, supplementing with Glutathione may cause drug interactions and allow cancer cells to be resistant to chemotherapy drugs, thus decreasing their effectiveness and increasing oxidative stress.[4]
Especially if you have liver cancer and you are undergoing a chemotherapy session, never take glutathione supplements. As they can react with the chemotherapy drug and change the treatment outcomes.
Inhaled Glutathione can cause Asthma
Here is a curious twist that’s both intriguing and somewhat alarming at the same time.
If taken inhaled, Glutathione can lead to mild to severe forms of Asthma.[5]
The exact cause is not known, but it’s ruled out that the Glutathione taken into the inhaled form can create an imbalanced environment of antioxidants in the body. Thus, increasing the reactive oxygen molecules in the blood flow also affects the lungs. The abrupt increase in these molecules can cause bronchial vessels to narrow, making breathing difficult.
However, a small study indicates that it can even completely block the airways in rare cases.
We suggest you prefer glutathione supplements over inhaled Glutathione. Try our high-quality glutathione supplements to mitigate the unnecessary effects.
Glutathione Can Help With Mold and Biotoxin Detoxification
In our personal experience, we’ve found that if anyone has a high toxic burden from mold or biotoxin illness, having too much Glutathione isn’t a good option and can make them feel extremely lethargic and sluggish. This means that glutathione supplements can be a blessing and a curse for the human body. You can trust us on this one.
The blessing is that supplementing with Glutathione can help push toxins out of tissues and into circulation for removal from the body. However, if you do too much of it too fast, the increased amount of Glutathione in your body can counteract this and release more toxins than it can clear. As a result, you will mobilize more toxins than the body can remove at any given time, leading to increased fatigue and other issues.
So, If you take Glutathione to help overcome mold or biotoxin illness, lower your dose. Be sure to go slow and listen to your body. How about taking it properly under the supervision of an expert healthcare provider? Personally, we’ve had people who had to take a very, very small dose of just 50mg every other day until they worked with one of our dietitians to open up their pathways and clear toxins before they could use a traditional dose of 500mg.
We’re experts in helping people overcome mold illness quickly and can help you avoid many errors and long-term problems. If you’re interested in fixing biotoxin illness or other health issues, sign up for our free 15-minute strategy call to map out a plan and get started.

We have mentioned Glutathione’s most surprising but eye-opening effects, like handling inflammation, skin conditions, and even COVID-19’s cytokine storms. However, taking the supplements without considering the potential side effects can be a bad idea. So watch out for potential adverse reactions like stomach problems, difficulty breathing, skin irritations, or thyroid tweaks. And the enthralling part is most of them are caused by overdosing.
If you are thinking of diving into the supplement world and want to get the healthy perks of Glutathione instead of downsides, a bit of nutrition coaching can be a game-changer. To get one, sign up for our free 15-minute strategy call and seek optimal health benefits of Glutathione under professional advice.