UCAN superstarch is one of our absolute favorite products to use as sports dietitians. We’ve worked with countless athletes, from recreational athletes to pro and Olympic-level, and we can confidently say this is one of our best-kept performance secrets. We have a good understanding of Generation UCAN side effects, and we will detail everything you need to know to take full advantage of this amazing product in our Generation UCAN reviews.
Ready to learn the ins and outs of this magical product?
First, we will explain what and how we use Generation UCAN superstarch, then we’ll dig into generation UCAN side effects, and lastly, we’ll provide our honest Generation UCAN reviews. Let’s dig in.
What is UCAN Superstarch?
The superstarch by UCAN (now known as LIVSTEADY) is made from a specific strain of non-GMO cornstarch that has been treated with a special cooking method. This product is classified as a low glycemic, complex carbohydrate.
Why is UCAN Superstartch So Good?
UCAN superstarch (LIVESTEADY) sounds somewhat simple, but why is this cornstarch-based product so powerful?
Well, think of how many of us rely on simple carbohydrates and sugar-laden foods to get a boost, then only to feel sluggish, foggy, and unmotivated shortly thereafter. How often have you grabbed a piece of candy or a granola bar for a mid-afternoon boost? Perhaps you tend to rely on energy gummies or gels during your workouts?
Convenient? Yes.
Helpful? No.

These popular fueling options quickly spike our blood sugar, whereas UCAN superstarch provides more of a steady stream, a slow-digesting form of carbohydrate as a fuel source.
The release of energy is provided over a few hours instead of a brief 15-20 minute burst. Taking superstarch by UCAN before a workout allows you to push harder for longer, essentially preventing you from experiencing a big bonk mid-workout.[1,2]
And by the way, this product has been tested rigorously as the original starch was created for a young boy named Jonah. Jonah was born with a rare metabolic disorder that prevents him from breaking down his body’s own source of carbohydrates. Jonah was fed every 2 hours with a tube feed to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Eventually, this sweet little boy’s parents partnered with a group of scientists and forward thinkers to create what we now know as UCAN to support his blood sugar management better.[4]
Although it was developed for a sick child, this product is so advantageous for athletes because the gradual release of the UCAN LIVSTEADY starch allows for steady blood sugar levels when active. Steady blood sugar during activity results in more fat burning for fuel, thus making this product highly effective for anyone from athletes to diabetics and even those just looking to improve body composition [3]
Please know that you can trust that our Generation UCAN reviews and understanding of generation UCAN side effects are not just based on extensive research but also on personal use for ourselves and our clients. We’ve seen the UCAN superstarch help people in a variety of ways. In fact, we have clients who are not physically active but still take a packet of UCAN superstarch for their daily snack for its metabolic and cognitive effects.
How do I use Generation UCAN Superstarch (now known as LIVSTEADY)?
The optimal workout fueling strategy is as follows:
- Drink one serving of UCAN energy powder 30-45 minutes before your workout. We recommend mixing with water and consuming on an empty stomach for best results.
- For longer workouts, drink one serving every 60-90 minutes. If you prefer not to consume much when training, consider preloading with two servings 30 minutes before you begin.

Generation UCAN Side Effects
The UCAN superstarch tends to have relatively few negative side effects. The most common side effect (if any at all) that our clients experienced included gastrointestinal distress -essentially bloating and rumbling after consumption.
This is interesting, considering UCAN was designed to be easy on the stomach. Its slow, time-released absorption allows for the brain and muscles to receive steady energy with the common bloat and gut ache from standard high-sugar products.
However, the status of one’s gut health plays a major role in this process as many have come to us looking for relief of their gut issues during activity and UCAN superstarch is the one product their gut can tolerate. Undiagnosed corn sensitivity is also a potential reason for the bloat after ingestion.
Bottom line: Our thought as practitioners is that the client’s gut and immune health generally dictate how he or she will tolerate a specific food and supplement. On the whole, Generation UCAN side effects are uncommon and rarely occur.
What Other UCAN Products are There?
Love the UCAN energy and want to explore more products? Check out a few of our other favorite UCAN products.
UCAN + Protein: We love this two-for-one punch as the whey protein blend with the LIVSTEADY starch allows for muscle repair in addition to stable blood sugar. This is especially helpful for those individuals who tend to feel ravenous after exercise and devour the entire pantry to feel satiated.

UCAN Hydration: This lightly sweetened form of hydration is a great choice for those looking to keep sugar intake to a minimum while boosting electrolytes- particularly magnesium as this formula contains double the amount of magnesium compared to other popular brands.
UCAN Energy Bars: Deliciously chewy and easy to grab on the go, these bars are the perfect snack when you want to feel full and fight sugar cravings on the go. Our favorite is peanut butter.
Generation UCAN Reviews by Two Dietitians

Last but not least, for those looking for official Generation UCAN reviews, we are giving this product two thumbs up.
Here are our top reasons for this review:
- Generation UCAN is a reputable company with a powerful purpose
- Products are NSF for Sport, meaning you will not test positive for banned substances as an athlete
- Ingredients are well tolerated by most individuals
- Almost any human being can benefit from the LIVSTEADY super starch, regardless of whether one is physically active or not.
- Customer service is excellent and responsive if you are ever in need of assistance.
Ready to try it out? Buy some UCAN superstarch in their Energy product and try it out for yourself and see what you think!

- Physiological Impact of a Single Serving Slow Absorption Carbohydrate on Metabolic, Hemodynamic, and Performance Markers in Endurance Athletes During a Bout of Exercise
- Hydrothermally Modified Corn Starch Ingestion Attenuates Soccer Skill Performance Decrements in the Second Half of a Simulated Soccer Match
- Superstarch: A Technological Breakthrough in Sports Nutrition Intervention
- https://ucan.co/our-story/
Hi, just wondering if there are any affiliations to be disclosed by the dietitians who reviewed this product? Thank you.