Let’s be honest. Allergies are THE WORST. Not only are the symptoms annoying, but allergies are more aggravating for those of us who did not even experience them until later in life.
If you’re ready to learn about how to use magnesium for allergies, you’ve come to the right place. Magnesium and allergies go hand in hand and we’re going to answer the question, “Does magnesium help you with allergies?”
Oh, and while there are plenty of medications on the market to treat these funky symptoms, more people are starting to realize that daily drugs are not an ideal solution for our liver, kidneys, and immune system!
After all, allergies don’t pop up in the first place unless our immune system is being poked by an offending agent or two, and if we don’t discover and treat the agent(s), we will suffer from allergies for a long time. But we’ll save that saga for another day.
So, if you’re looking for a natural remedy for allergies or perhaps the best magnesium for allergies, you’ve come to the right place.
Keep on readin’ for a little tutorial on the best magnesium allergy treatment.
Does Magnesium Help You with Allergies?
Does magnesium affect allergies?
Does Magnesium help you with allergies, you ask?
Yes, the rumors are true!
Magnesium and allergies go together like bees and honey.
Magnesium can help soothe allergies because of its ability to act as a bronchodilator and anti-histamine. Since magnesium is a natural muscle relaxer, it’s no surprise that this magical mineral relieves airway constriction in the lungs, all while helping to relax our entire body.
There is even research dating back to the 1990s regarding magnesium’s ability to combat allergic rhinitis.[1]
Perhaps even more interesting is that when we are deficient in magnesium, our body’s histamine response is much more intense when we are exposed to allergens.[2,3]
(When you hear the phrase histamine response, think hives, flushing, watery eyes, fatigue, sinus issues, headaches, and digestive issues.)
P.S. Turmeric can also fight inflammation and lessen the intensity of allergic reactions, but that’s a different story for another day.
Anyway, back to magnesium and allergies.
Does magnesium affect allergies?
In a nutshell, here is what you need to understand regarding magnesium for allergies:
- Allergies occur when our body’s immune system overreacts to otherwise harmless components of our environment.
- Our body begins to fight these non-threatening “invaders,” i.e., pollen, peanuts, cat dander etc., assuming it is a bacteria or virus, by releasing a biochemical substance known as histamine.
- As our body attempts to destroy these “invaders,” mistakenly assuming they are harmful, we feel that histamine response by means of sneezing, itching, flushing, runny nose, stomach pain, etc.
- Magnesium helps to relax our muscles, widen bronchioles, fight inflammation, and simmer down our body’s release of histamine.
- Therefore, when an optimal level of magnesium is present in the body, we do not react as severely to the allergen(s). Those who are deficient tend to suffer more from allergies- both environmental and food.[4]
The problem? Most people today are deficient in magnesium – especially athletes.
Magnesium Allergy Treatment Starts with Food & A Quality Supplement
OK, at this point, you’re probably wondering about the best magnesium for allergies.
Great thought, but please keep in mind the best way to incorporate magnesium allergy treatment into your life is by consuming whole foods that are high in magnesium in addition to a high-quality magnesium supplement.
It is also important to read up a bit and determine if you may have a magnesium deficiency.
The top magnesium allergy treatment foods to consider are:
- Dark leafy greens: bok choy, collards, turnip greens, mustard greens, swiss chard, spinach, kale
- Nuts: almonds, cashews
- Seeds: pumpkin, chia
- Beans/legumes: black beans, lima beans, edamame, peanuts
- Seafood: salmon, mackerel, pollock, tuna, halibut
What form of magnesium is best absorbed through the skin?
Hate swallowing capsules? You’re in luck! Transdermal magnesium is a form of magnesium that can be applied to the skin. It absorbs quickly and effectively, and you won’t feel much of anything.
Magnesium chloride is typically the form used for the best absorption through the skin. While transdermal magnesium chloride is safe and easy to use, many do not find it to be as effective as oral magnesium supplementation – especially when it comes to magnesium and allergies.
By the way, here is a little fun fact for you…
Transdermal and topical have two very different meanings. When something is meant to be topical or applied topically, the gel, cream, spray, etc., stay local to that part of the body. It does not reach the bloodstream and therefore does not have systemic effects.
When we say transdermal, we are suggesting that the product, magnesium, in this case, works systemically. In other words, the active ingredients in this form of magnesium pass through tiny spaces between the cells of our skin to end up in our bloodstream. The blood then carries the magnesium to various tissues and organs.
Which Version of Magnesium is Best?
Which version of magnesium is best is somewhat of a complicated question because different forms of magnesium are best for different situations. For example, if you are constipated, I am most likely to recommend magnesium citrate, vs. if you are looking for a calmer mind, I am likely going to recommend magnesium threonate.
Now, this post is about magnesium for allergies, so I will not go down the long rabbit hole with different forms of magnesium. However, here is a quick and dirty cheatsheet:
- Constipation: magnesium citrate
- Fatigue: magnesium malate
- Cardiovascular health: magnesium taurate
- Indigestion: magnesium carbonate
- Cell and tissue detox: magnesium chloride
Least absorbable forms of magnesium? Oxide, sulfate, glutamate, and aspartate.
Now, when we are speaking about magnesium for allergies, we want magnesium glycinate. Some experts may beg to differ, but hear me out.
Magnesium glycinate is just magnesium bound with glycine, a non-essential amino acid. It is highly bioavailable and absorbs extremely well without causing diarrhea. This is what most of us dietitians use to safely and successfully correct long-term magnesium deficiencies. Since it absorbs so well, this is our #1 choice for magnesium for allergies.
What is the fastest absorbing magnesium?
There are so many different forms of magnesium on the market it can be incredibly overwhelming to try and figure out which is best and, more importantly, what is the fastest absorbing magnesium.
While magnesium citrate and magnesium malate tend to be the fastest-absorbing forms of magnesium, magnesium glycinate is the all-around winner.[5,6,7,8,] In other words, as a dietitian, I want something for my clients that not only absorbs quickly but is bioavailable and effective at the same time.
This criterion makes magnesium glycinate the clear winner.[9]
For example, citrate absorbs really quickly. So much so that it tends to fly right through the GI tract and help with constipation as a result. However, at the same token, it is not as bioavailable and, therefore, will not help to raise magnesium levels as quickly as other forms.
Quick little pro tip while I’m at it: If you are concerned with absorption, avoiding calcium-rich foods within 2 hrs of taking your magnesium supplement will help. The same goes for supplements high in zinc. In high enough doses, calcium and zinc will compete for absorption with magnesium.
The Best Magnesium Allergy Treatment Supplements Are:
Alright, are you ready for the best magnesium allergy treatment supplements? Here we go!
1. Magnesium Glycinate by Pure Encapsulations

- I said it before, and I’ll say it again. This bad boy absorbs the best!
Not only is magnesium glycinate highly bioavailable, but it absorbs well and does not cause embarrassing bouts of unexpected diarrhea. Plus, the easy-to-swallow capsules are super portable and convenient.
Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Glycinate is available on Amazon, but a better option is to 👉purchase on Wellevate👈, which is nearly $8 cheaper 🤯 when you use our affiliate link to create your Wellevate account (there is zero cost to you, but we may earn a commission which helps support our website). You will also receive 20% off all Wellevate orders for life when you create an account with our link.
Additionally, all supplements shipped from Wellevate come directly from temperature-controlled warehouses and are shipped in temperature-controlled packaging. For this reason, we buy all our supplements, especially supplements like high-quality glutathione and top-rated NAD supplements, directly from Wellevate.
If you want to save money and purchase the best magnesium supplement for allergies on Wellevate, simply use our link to create your account. This link will take you directly to our favorite magnesium supplements. Free shipping on orders over $49 too.🙂
2. Magnesium Bisglycinate by Thorne

- Delicious tasting, powdered (drinkable) form of magnesium glycinate.
Bisglycinate is basically interchangeable with glycinate. The big difference is that one magnesium atom is attached to two glycine molecules. This product is nice because not only is it NSF for Sport, but it is meant to be mixed with water for a nice sweet beverage. It can also be added to food.
Perfect for kids or those who just prefer to feel like they are eating their nutrients instead of swallowing capsules. Many of my clients love drinking this before bed as part of their nighttime routine. It enhances sleep and works well as a magnesium for allergies.
You may purchase Thorne Magnesium Bisglycinate. However, a better option, however, is to 👉buy it through Wellevate👈, which is nearly $11 cheaper 🤯 when you use our affiliate link to create your Wellevate account.
And if you’d like to try my famous magnesium chewable recipe using Thorne’s Magnesium Bisglycinate, it can be found in this article regarding magnesium deficiency.
3. MagneGel Magnesium by Designs for Health

- This transdermal magnesium is amazing for those who don’t like swallowing capsules or are physically unable. Or if you would just prefer not to take any form of supplement orally. This is also the best option for those with an overly sensitive gastrointestinal system, as the transdermal route bypasses the gut.
This is our absolute favorite transdermal magnesium supplement because of its high-quality sourcing. MagneGel Magnesium by Designs for Health is made of 100% magnesium chloride and sourced from the ancient Zechstein seabed in Europe. This magnesium salt is incredibly pure and has been untouched by pollutants as its found 5,000-6,500 feet into the earth.
Save over $9 by 👉buying it through Wellevate👈.
How Can I Strengthen My Immune System Against Allergies?
Another common question in the arena of magnesium and allergies is, “how can I strengthen my immune system against allergies?”
While there are a number of nutrients to strengthen your immune system against allergies – quercetin, Vitamin C, and probiotics being the most popular, the ultimate goal is to get to the root of why your immune system is overreacting.
For example, I have clients who have numerous heavy metal fillings. These can leak over time and provoke an immune response.
I have plenty of clients who have been exposed to mold. This is one of the most common reasons why allergies begin in the first place.
Some end up with a terrible case of intestinal permeability from years of eating junk food and taking medications such as antacids, birth control, and antibiotics. AKA chronic vitamin and mineral deficiencies. This, too, can lead to allergies.
Bottom line: Allergies do not just magically occur out of nowhere. Therefore, instead of drowning yourself in medications, we want to work to get to the root of the problem.
So, how can I strengthen my immune system against allergies? First, check out our article on the Top 10 Ways to Reduce Inflammation in the Body and then the Top 17 Foods that Cause Inflammation in the Body. Intrigued? Work with a qualified practitioner to learn how to eat according to your own unique biological needs and get to the root of your allergy issues!
What’s All the Fuss About Vitamin Drips for Pollen Allergies?
Nutritional IVs, also known as vitamin drips, have become quite popular these days. Hence why, it’s not uncommon for clients to inquire about vitamin drips for pollen allergies. As you might guess, there is so much more you can try besides magnesium for allergies.
If your wallet allows, nutrition drips can be incredible for allergies to things such as pollen because nutrition in IV form bypasses the gut, thus allowing you to receive a megadose of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in levels that would normally make you sick if ingested orally.
Vitamin infusions go right to our bloodstream and are not metabolized through the gut. This can be very helpful for those who eat a poor-quality diet or who have such poor gut health that they are unable to eat well without digestive issues.
Vitamin drips for pollen allergies can also be very beneficial for those who are not great about swallowing supplements each day, as vitamin drips for pollen allergies are usually administered once or twice a month.
What’s usually in a vitamin drip for pollen allergies? Generally speaking, you will see a nice blend of immune-boosting vitamins and minerals in addition to antioxidant and natural anti-histamines such as vitamin C, magnesium, a high-quality B complex, glutathione, and zinc.

Is Magnesium an Antihistamine?
Yes! As mentioned above, magnesium acts as a natural antihistamine. This is why so many across the world are researching “magnesium allergy treatment” as we speak!
How are Magnesium and Histamine Related?
Guess what? Magnesium and histamine are low key best friends. And therefore, magnesium can absolutely help with histamine and mast cell reactions.
Here is a brief science lesson behind the magnesium and histamine relationship:
Magnesium is required to make an enzyme known as diamine oxidase (DAO). DAO is so critical when it comes to our body’s histamine response, or even just allergies in general because DAO removes histamine once it’s released.
If you don’t have enough magnesium in your body, you cannot make DAO. If you can’t make enough DAO, histamine levels in your blood will rise. The more histamine that is released from your immune cells, the more your body will react unfavorably to certain things like mold, pollen, insect bites, and certain foods.
Does Celiac Disease Cause Magnesium Deficiency?
A question I am constantly asked is, “ Does Celiac Disease cause magnesium deficiency?”
Yes. In fact, Celiac, especially when left undiagnosed for years, can result in a wide array of vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
To make a very long story short, one must suffer from intestinal permeability FIRST, before being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease such as Celiac. (Thank you, Dr. Alessio Fasano, for figuring that out for us.)
Intestinal permeability, otherwise known as “leaky gut,” is when our intestinal lining essentially becomes “porous,” and particles from food, the outside world, toxins, etc., start to make their way through when normally these particles should be kept intact the on the other side of our lining.
When these particles enter our bloodstream, our body recognizes that they should not be there and begins to attack as a way to protect us. Unfortunately, if left unaddressed, this repeated attack typically leads to disease.
And for those who are familiar with our blog, you probably know by now that you don’t have to experience a single stomach issue to have intestinal permeability! While gut issues like bloating and pain are definitely common with intestinal permeability, far more frequent are symptoms like fatigue, hives, and joint pain.
In the case of Celiac Disease, there is often a loss of brush border enzymes and specific proteins needed to digest and absorb vitamins and minerals like magnesium.[10]
Therefore, when we live for years with a leaky gut and do not realize it, vitamin and mineral deficiencies can still occur, despite a perfectly balanced diet. This is why magnesium deficiency is so common with Celiac Disease.
Magnesium and Allergies
There we have it, your quick reference guide on magnesium and allergies.
In summary, magnesium is a natural bronchodilator and antihistamine, allowing our body to react less severely to allergens when magnesium stores are up to par in the body.
And I hope by now if someone approaches you and asks,” Does magnesium help you with allergies?” you will respond with a resounding YES!
Have you tried to use magnesium for allergies by increasing magnesium intake through food and or supplementation? If so, how did you feel? Do you have any magnesium and allergies tips to share? What worked and what failed in your magnesium allergy treatment journey?
Please share in the comments below!
- https://www.researchgate.net/publication/279538706_Magnesium_Supplementation_in_allergic_diseases_Rhinitis
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2095192/pdf/brjexppathol00344-0040.pdf
- https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jnsv/59/6/59_560/_article
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25023192/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29679349/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4397399/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6316205/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6683096/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28337245/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11556210/